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Q1: What is educational prostitution?
A1 "Educational prostitution" is a concept based on the Adam and Eve story, and is based on the following idea:
This may be a bit serious, but the "sex" taught in Japanese sex education is: 1. Having sex makes you pregnant. 2. Teaching how to use contraception.
3) It is based on the idea of shameful acts. 1) and 3) reflect the aspect of sex that is shameful but necessary for procreation.
On the other hand, contraception (②) is clearly against having more children, but sex education doesn't teach us about this. What on earth is going on?
This suggests that there is more to sex than just having children.
Even if it isn't taught in schools, there are many things in Japan that teach this meaning. These are the so-called entertainments called adult videos and erotic books. Through these, we (especially men) become overly aware that "sex is an act of satisfying sexual desire."
In contrast, in Adam and Eve, sex is not just about satisfying sexual desire.
1) Things that deepen communication between men and women
② Something that deepens love
3) Things that are essential and important to humans
I think so.
The concept of "educational prostitution" that "Adam and Eve" promotes is to teach the techniques for this purpose.
Furthermore, in "Adam and Eve," the word "prostitution" is eliminated, as it refers to the "educational prostitution" industry, which is an industry that satisfies sexual desires, and the word "love breed" is used to represent this concept.
Q2 テクニックを身に付けるってどういうことですか?
A2 AVなどのエンターテイメントで間違った情報が広まったりしてはいますが、女性を本当に気持ちよくさせることができる正しいテクニックの知識は、インターネットや書籍などで知ることができます。また、『アダムとイブ』でも事前にマニュアルをお渡ししています。
Q3 実際にセックスをしないのに、テクニックが身に付きますか?
A3 『アダムとイブ』では、女性のオーガズムは前戯が9割と考えています。これは、テクニックは前戯が9割と言いかえることもでき、ホテルに入ってからの女性のボルテージを高めるための所作や前戯をマスターすることでテクニックの9割は身に付きます。


